CalorieCount Logo

CalorieCount is a tool that helps in dieting and weight loss by keeping track of what you eat. The program periodically asks you what you've eaten, and then records that information in a "food diary" or a "food log." Keeping such info is one of the basic tools of dieting and is surprisingly helpful to the author.

This document is intended for the Windows environment. CalorieCount will run on linux, but it will complain about not being able to find the flashmenu native library.

To use CalorieCount, follow these steps:

Download and Install Java

For the time being, I would not recommend using this application for those who are not familiar with things like JREs. You can download a JRE from

The recommended JRE for Release 0.2 of CalorieCount is 1.6.0_06. It may work with other editions, but your best bet is to use the recommended version.

Download CalorieCount

You can download CalorieCount from

The main site for the application is at where you can get the latest news, fixes for the application.

Unizip the Distribution

Unzip the contents of the distribution file to the directory where you want the application files to live.

Start Using CalorieCount

Run the CalorieCount.bat file to start up the program.

This file contains some basic instructions for using the application.