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CalorieCount is a tool that helps in dieting and weight loss by keeping track of what you eat. The program periodically asks you what you've eaten, and then records that information in a "food diary" or a "food log." Keeping such info is one of the basic tools of dieting and is surprisingly helpful to the author.


Start CalorieCount

You can run CalorieCount via any of the following:

You should see the following window:

The Main Window

CalorieCount defaults to "recording mode" which will periodically ask you questions in order to track what you eat.

The "Time Between Questions" field allows you to set the polling period that CalorieCount uses. To set a new period, change the value in the drop-down and toggle recording off and then on again.

The "Next Question at" field shows when the next scheduled question is.

The "Total so Far" field gives a running tally of the number of calories that CalorieCount has recorded today.

CalorieCount defaults to querying you every 30 min. This brings up the next screen...

The Gather Window

This screen is displayed periodically in order to gather information from you. If you do not have CalorieCount in the foreground when the system needs you to answer a question, it will try to get your attention by flashing the menu bar:

If the food you want to select appears on the list, double-click it to select it. If you have never logged this food before, it will not appear on the list. Click on the "other" button to bring up the next screen:

The Food List Window

CalorieCount comes with a long list of "pre-installed" foods taken from the USDA database. The entries are generally for a 100g serving of the item. If you do not see the food you want to select on the list, click the "create" button and fill out the resulting dialog in order to create a new entry.

The Day View

The day window displays a list of the foods that you have eaten during the current day. From the Main Window choose Windows>Day View to bring up this window. From here you can simply display the meals that have taken place or you can add/edit/delete entries.


This concludes the quick description of CalorieCount. Look for new versions and other updates on the CalorieCount web site